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She will send you all the information on how it works so you can share it with your board and make it a huge success. It will literally end up costing you nothing! Honest!

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Below are some of the amazing letters I have received over the years from our troops/Veterans and their families. The first one literally changed the course of my life, and I wish I could find him now...

Please remember to stop and thank our Veterans when you see one.  Too often, in their humility, they never ask for or seek appreciation. Just know it means the world to every one of them. The scars often run deep and sometimes all it takes to save a life, or open a heart, are a few kind words...


Back in 2010 while at the Broken Spoke, I was standing in the back watching Eddie Money when a lovely wavy-haired blond walked up to me, put her hand on my shoulder and said Thank you. I looked at her and asked for what? She responded You're a Veteran. Eddie Money was singing his tribute song Another One's Coming Home, And I was standing in the dark crying quietly alone. If I failed to get it out that night, you are very welcome. I was pretty distracted and was planning on doing something terribly drastic after that final trip.  Thank you for appreciating an old soldier. The only reason I knew who you were was afterward I went over to the Dragpipe Saloon and you were playing there. and I had previously gone to Red Lodge Montana to ride the Bear tooth and saw you there as well. I have thought about telling you many times since, but I just heard that song and it reminded me. Still Riding...Thank You. Scott



To: <>
Went to your show tonight at the mars vfw. I a
m about to give u tmi but I honestly can’t tell u how much tonight meant to me and my husband!we showed my mom your video weeks ago and asked if she wanted to go with us and do a family night she loved u and said hell ya I wanna go She is great ! Mom has lived with my husband and I since my dad passed in 2012 and we have taken care of her as her life has changed ! My mom had a stroke Nov 9 after we bought the tickets to your show . she just got home from the hospital the 20 th had major surgery and didn’t know how recovery would be . However she wasn’t missing u and it was her first time out since the stroke we laughed so hard we cried thank u for being u and creating a wonderful memory with my mom I will never forget! And meeting Santa and u ! U talked to her about your personal experience with your moms stroke and how she was ok. She talked about that the whole was home. Thank u thank u thank u!!! Thank u for being so personable and thank u for being your funny authentic self. I will watch u a million times. And thank Santa for the extra love he showed my mom


A big shout out to BAG LADY SUE for the awesome show last night. We are recommending her show for your fundraising event.  She provided a large group of people with lots of laughter with her witty and zany comedy show.  She connected with the audience on all levels.
She supports all veterans and that is why we hired her. We were very happy with the money raised to support veterans in our area and  would recommend her for your event.
Lyndora American Legion Riders



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BAG LADY SUE! My friends came all the way from Scotland to experience the Sturgis Rally! We met some friends that knew you were playing and all went to catch your show @ the Knuckle Saloon. You made my one friend literally wizz in her pants! You need to come to Edinburg and play for the people! They would f***kin love you!




Sue. My friends and I saw your show this weekend at Mountain was great as usual. This was their first time seeing you and they enjoyed it as much as my husband and I did. I was writing in regards to the care packages and shirts that you send to our military family that is deployed. I did not know you did that and first of all, I would like to thank you for doing so. We were military and my husband served in the Air Force so much appreciation and thanks to you!! My future son in law has recently been deployed to Jordan. His tour is a one year tour and it's the first deployment he's ever been on. Hopefully, with a lot of prayers, he does his year and gets out of there safely. He's in the Army National Guard and I was wondering if you could send him a care package/shirt? He's in the infantry division. His name and address is SPC Gnus, 
Thank you again for all of your troop support I think it's awesome you do that. When my husband served in Desert Shield/Storm it was very hard not having much contact with him. So I know this will make Phil happy to receive something from you. Thanks so much for everything. ~ Joyce


Hi Suzanne, Thank you very much for the coffee (I'm a coffee ADDICT ... LOL) and even more for your patriotism and support. It really means a lot while where here in Afghanistan to have support from Americans back home. Thank you also for your grandpa's service as a Warrior-Hero, part of "The Greatest Generation" who truly saved the world from tyranny ... HOOAH! As to your work as a comic and supporting the troops, I'd like to please speak with you further on this. I founded and am the CEO of a Veteran Service nonprofit organization, "HONOR THE SACRIFICE". We assist Veterans in need in a number of ways, as well as honor our Warriors' service and that of their families. If you'd care to check us out at your convenience, I've put our contact information below. We are a nonprofit organization under TX state law and have also submitted our application to the IRS for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status (currently pending). We'd very much like to discuss possibly collaborating on some events in the future after I get back from Afghanistan next Spring. Have a great week and know your support to our troops truly matters far more than you may ever realize! :-) HONOR THE SACRIFICE info: (the "Success Stories" link details some of our recent efforts, and we'll be adding a couple more recently-completed efforts soon)

"HONOR THE SACRIFICE" on Facebook Twitter: @Honor_Sacrifice Email: Yours in Service to Our Nation, Drew Deaton US Army Afghanistan & President & CEO ~HONOR THE SACRIFICE~  
Note from Bags: I hope my friends will check this out!



Suzanne, Thank you for taking the time to care. It's wonderful people like you who make this fifth deployment bearable. I am a 26-year veteran who volunteered to come in order to save one of my fellow soldiers from being involuntarily mobilized. I feel as I am sure you do that laughter makes the world a better place. Bless you and for teaching your daughter to CARE and help other people. It's the most important lesson of all. Smile today as I will when I have my cup of joe on you!! Respectfully, Major Bright


Sue, Thank you for all the laughter and for being so f***in real! You have no idea how much it meant to my son to get your pack in the mail! I pray for him and his friends daily, and hope he gets to see you soon! Most Respectfully, J. Tomlin

Hi Bags! My husband and I saw you this weekend at Conesville, LOVE your show as always. Always makes us laugh! You asked for Addresses of servicemen. Our son is a 1LT. We are very proud of him! He went to Univ. of Iowa after graduating High school. Graduated from college and joined the Army. He is currently In Kandahar Afghanistan, serving his Country. Joe is an Executive officer, with 161 men under him. He has a wife, Jessi and 1 1/2-year-old son, Jace and a daughter, Josie on the way!  As a Mom, I am terrified for him, yet very proud. We appreciate your support!  Thank you! His address is 
1Lt. Joe H----------
FOB Walton CP 7-10
APO AE 09355
Howdy Bag Lady Sue! Just writing to say thank you for the cool package! I and my brothers over here really needed a good laugh and we did till our guts hurt. You are an amazing lady and one sexy woman! (LUV THE CORVETTE PICTURE! IT IS OVER MY BUNK) Would it be possible to have you please send more the other guys want one too! Our address here is : (removed for publication)
Most respectfully,  Pvt B Sunseri

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